
Sunday, March 7, 2010

Finally Finished

Finished......well sort of! HomeStudy Assessor came by last week to do the final Safety Inspection and despite the fact that the molding is still not up in the kitchen....I passed! What a nightmare that Kitchen ceiling has been, my brother was still trying to get everything done minutes before the social worker was due to show up. Thankfully, she has never been here on time and runs at least 30 minutes late each visit....which normally irritates me to no end :) So now its just a waiting game until I get my license. She says she will need another week or so to get everything written up and then it will be a few weeks before her supervisor reviews and signs off on the homestudy. Then it gets sent to the state and I should receive my license. She seemed to think it would be another 2 months or so before all the paperwork was completed and the license received.
Later on in the week she called back and told me she just had a few questions she had forgotten to ask...which must mean she is working on getting it typed up :) The questions that hit me was, "When and If you adopt who would the children go to if something were to happen to you?" WOW....what a question! I hadn't even really put a lot of thought into that yet and you want me to give you an answer on the spot!! So I quickly told her my brother *Jesse* and hung up the phone. In most situations your spouse would be left behind to care for the children (hopefully), but how do you pick something like that. I mean my first instinct would be to say my mom, but is that really fair for her, shes already raised her kids and should enjoy the chance of being a grandma...only having to spoil the kids and then send them back for someone else to deal with all the behavior issues and disciplining! My brother is responsible and would be a great caregiver, but he is also young and is it fair to saddle him with all these kids. Plus, whose to say when of if I would die...I mean if i were to pass away and my child is 17 years old it would be a big difference then if I passed away and i adopted a sibling group of 5 who are all under the age of 6! And I really think I would need to get to know the kids first before I can make a decision like that, personalities clash, different parenting styles may fit better with a certain child....I don't know!!!
I guess its just more for me to think about over the next few months.
I bought a car seat yesterday after I spent the day cleaning out my car...yes I said "day" was that bad! I also found a 2T boys Ralph lauren Snow Suit at the thrift store for $3 that I had to never know and it was brand new tags still on it!
I'm going to try and clean out Kitchen Cabinets today so wish me luck!